Do them in the bottom right look like poppy seed heads? John
I have seen these before but not sure exactly what they sre. The tomato and potato though are related I think. Someone on here will let us know...
Well alice, now that I know what your name means, yes it's just as good. I must admit though 'Fidgetsmum' gives a graphic meaning straight away.
I'm still waiting for mine. They are just about 2" long at present. Only grown in pots this year though. My orangery has taken a chunk of the...
Overcast here but quite warm with it.
I'd never heard of them either. Mind you I haven't tried growing garlic for years. I think the only time I did it failed! Must try again. Can...
Love the name Fidgetsmum! LOL
Hi Andrew, Give it a try and keep a check on the soil pH. As the pH scale is logarythmic though it would be difficult to know haw much to add,...
On the last allottment I detected the location of a wasps nest. Built a wooden fire around it, let the other lotty foly folk know what I was...
I agree with the two B4 me by not using washing up water containing cooked food particle and grease etc. I should imagine this would support...
I suppose you could place a few canes as close as possible to the corrugated iron. This would give the ivy a kick start and hopefully it wild then...
Hockeynut, What a great opportunity. Wonerful advice too. No need to break your back! I've had aLLottments for many years, just keep nibbling...
I tend to remove this excess foliage. There's no need for it. Usually trim off the lower leaves beneath trusses also airating the plant and...
HI Raggaz, Not sure really what's going on but, tom plants the soil looks very dry. Whereas it looks like you've been watering the leaves of the...
I find that if you leave them just until the green pods start to fade slightly ie lose their green intensity they are just about ripe. Leaving...
Alice, I did crystal apple a few years ago and they were a complete succes. John
Hi Yaco, I've never really been bothered with aphids on tom plants, maybe because i have always grown something more tasty to them like broad...
Hi Tim, The one without the small courgette is the male. The one with is the female. It is normal to pinch out then male after flowering or as...
By removing the lower branches in particular, it will airate the plants helping to prevent disease and providing more nutrients for the fruit...
I have used sleepers on my raised vegetable and fruit beds for a number of years now-no problems at all. They'll probably see me out! In fact if...
Separate names with a comma.