LOL, looks like we've all been busy in one way or another :D (by "another" I mean busy watching stuff happen with a nice big drink...)
You can dry the beans out of french beans of course - I guess you could runners too, with the ones at the end of the season that you can let the...
My garden reclamation is very nearly finished (and I've lived here nearly two years!)I put in the last two posts for the fence at the bottom...
Glen that was nearly a poem! I was thinking creeping thyme - I've been planning to do something similar if I ever get round to it.
I had similarly bad luck with climbers over the gate to my allotment (I know, I know, but I didn't have a garden then and I needed some flowers!)...
If people want to debate the solar or mains issue I guess it would be more polite to start another thread as Tropical Gaz has already said he...
Still denigrating the solar pumps then water garden?Well just for balance then, I have one and am quite happy with it, thanks very much. I...
I guess light could come into it too? Always assumed that the root space/nutrients issue is the main one though...
Apparently the puff things are quite good for plants that like humidity, if you change the revolting artificial scent for plain water :D Scotkat,...
Yes, it's very effective. Also, if you stop using "bought" cleaning products with artificial fragrances in them for a bit, when you get near them...
I use ecover because of water pollution far more than global warming. Surely gardeners should be worried about that? Mind you, some gardeners...
Trellis can be on the expensive side but it's worth shopping around, and I bet you could get it in Lidl or Aldi, or maybe in the supermarkets, for...
I think ethical consumer rated BioD higher, although I can't quite remember why. Something to do with ethics of financing? I stuck with Ecover...
You could perhaps put fleece or netting just over the troughs, supported by wire hoops? Or even cloches? I've made my own cloches/mini-tunnels...
Hi Roz and welcome. I thought your garden looked really shady in the first two pictures, then realised they were taken in the dark :DIt does...
Good for you two for converting!I use ecover washing up liquid, washing liquid and fabric conditioner, have done for years and get on very...
If you haven't already - you could also try your local freecycle group - - it's best if you can find something to offer...
I almost don't feel qualified to reply as I'm not about all that much... But I think it's great, although that may be because the environmental...
I'm really relieved about the comments about them taking a while to get going - I thought mine was a goner, it's looking quite sulky but I guess...
What a lovely idea, I should think they'd be really pretty as wedding flowers, especially ones you've grown yourself [img]I think march might...
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