I bough some plants this morning for outside a shop in town and ive planted them outside now, they are primulars are these ok or will i lose them...
You lucky thing you! mine are just starting to shoot out of the ground. What colour are they? mine are pink. MEF750
Ho Dendrobium i want 1 of those pixie's cant wait to get to the garden center now. MEF750
Roders mine is just like the pic, Ive had it 4 years with loverly blooms on. I have no greenhouse to put it in winter, so i always put it near by...
Hi Orchid. I usualy just nip the heads off, you sometimes get more blooms on some plants or roses. MEF750 [ 25. March 2007, 06:46 PM:...
Hi Woodcas. I have just done part of my garden and i used a membrain, or thick plastic. You can usualy buy from a good DIY shop or a...
Thanks a lot Lady of leisure, its been in a tub for a couple of years. but when i did part of my garden up last year i decided to put it into the...
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