wow that is incredible!
Happy Easter to the GC crew! I have had a house full here, just my son here now for tea. We are off to a large family BBQ tomorrow regardless of...
Hi all, had a quick glance back to check in. Hello Mr Woo, lovely to see you fly past too. Happy Easter everybody.
Hi all, just a quick pop in, Woo keep flying round GC and keep in touch. If you need anything just shout - I'm sure one of us will help! Been to...
Thank you Shiney and Hannah. :spinning: People like you make up for the idiots in this world. Just had to say that. We are still hoping to get to...
Thanks everyone, don't want to go on about it here but if anyone wants to chat feel free to message me, could do with some cheering up right now....
Hi all, sorry not read back but had a traumatic week. I am hoping to get back to some normality but bear with me. Love to you all.
Another nice walk for you Woo, we have snow today!
Rain Hood
OH and I will be there, so looking forward to it!
Hello everyone, just read back to catch up - Woo that is a lovely photo as always. Today I had my first hours hospital appointment and I have been...
What a cheery sight Woo.
Very nice Woo.
Language (Timothy :snork: )
Granni Annie wears a hat indoors...
Tears :cry3:
Hello, good evening and welcome.:) This house is like a hotel, little one staying overnight, son here for tea but I love it. Hope those feeling...
Hello everyone :imphrt: Have been dog sitting today and they took me for a lovely walk. Armandii are you going by sofa? :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
Separate names with a comma.