Hi ChrisI think your apples tree may have more than one problem. The fruit seem to be suffering from a bad case of bitter pit (especially the...
Hi CeebWelcome to the forum.If you've removed all the old turf, you won't need to apply any weedkiller to the bare soil. It wouldn't have...
PeteI think you're right about it being a euonymous. The finely toothed leaf was puzzling me.Maybe a euonymous latifolia grown as a...
Yup, it's probably powdery mildew although it looks a little uneven which is unusual.... To put it another way, if it's not powdery mildew, I...
Hi VPKeeping the garden tidy is where having a small plot and a tendency towards OCD come in handy!For me, keeping the colour going into...
You're NOT sad!I've kept a gardening diary since September 1972 and can tell you, for instance, that I paid 28p for 12 King Alfred daff bulbs...
Well done. That's what I call comprehensive talent.
I agree with Pete (about the cause of the problem) and with Dai (about what you can do about it now). Lettuce is particularly susceptible to...
Does your surface water (i.e. rain water) drain to soakaways? If it does, beware. Big shrubs have powerful roots and will go looking for the...
Here are some shrubs that are cheap, tough, easy to grow and either stay small or can easily be kept small by a little pruning:berberis...
Over the years, I've found the best way was: 1) to select the fruit for storage very carefully and avoid any damaged or bruised specimens 2)...
AndrewHere's my score card:runner beans (Polestar) - excellentlettuce (Webbs Wonderful) - fantasticbeetroot (Boltardy - pretty...
Hi BeachloverMoving a potentilla is usually an autumn or early spring job so unless there's a special urgency, I'd wait if I were you.
Hey Doghouse RileyYou couldn't send a little rain down south, could you? I haven't seen a good downpour since about April!
Hi lb7110I blame the advertising!In appropriate weather conditions, I use Evergreen's Weed and Feed myself but I think the claims on the...
I wouldn't apply a weed and feed product at this time of year. Much, much too dry. It'll do more harm by scorching than good. You can try and...
Hi RaymondAre you sure it's a grass? Check out this thread, just in case it's the dreaded horsestail...
Nice crop, Shiney!Yours look considerably better than mine. I seem to have got more short curved beans this year, like little green...
Hi ParchWelcome to the forum.I'd wait until the autumn before doing anything. You'd be amazed how resilient grass can be. Even if you've...
When I used to have a large traditional veg plot, I planted late leeks, savoy cabbages, kale, broccoli and sprouts for use during the winter....
Separate names with a comma.