Sorry - forgot to add that the concrete lining of your hole very much suggests the need to contain liquid i.e. strongly indicating my cess pit...
Your hole looks to me very much like an old cess pit.I found one in the bottom of my last garden, dating back to the 1920s. Mine was well...
Very wise to let your veg patch settle over winter and then start food production next spring. I've never used a green manure myself - sounds...
Mrs Flinty and I used to visit one of her aunts and have a meal with her from time to time. On one occasion, this aunt mentioned that she'd added...
Yup, I agree with Hostaholic - digging it out is the only way. Sounds tedious but I've found digging weeds out of the lawn to be very...
Hi bopsysdadWelcome to the forum.Probably the best material for both your lawn and your veg patch is top soil. Yes, it's expensive but...
Good advice already given above.I've noticed how some plants seem to be magnets for mildew while plants of a different species close by them...
I'm sure I've heard this somewhere before - I think he's right!(Sorry if you lose the bet!)
Wow, you've got a lot of work there!Turf or seed? It depends on your skill level, your patience and the depth of your pocket.But now is...
Those beans look just about right to me! Just wash them well under the tap and they'll be fine.We must swallow a ton of dodgy chemicals in...
Hi TobsterIt's unusual to grow apple trees from seed because 99% of apple trees that you see are specific headstocks grafted on to specific...
I think all those can be planted in the autumn, if you want to do that.It's been a great year for roses so far. Never seen them looking...
Hi DDWelcome to the forum.It used to be said that extreme variations in weather would induce bolting, the plant is stressed and so it...
Hi YelfAh, well, it all depends....From your original post, I got the impresson you had bought your plants already and were raring to go....
I've never grown apple trees from seed but mildew used to be a menace on an apple tree I grew for 20 years in my garden.I'd suggest 1)...
I've had some flea beetle damage to my beetroot leaves but it's not serious.Like Daisees, I'm not worrying about it because it's only...
Usually, some parts of your lawn will survive hot, dry conditions better than others. The reason for this is that the depth of good soil varies...
Identification of slugs is not always easy because of variations within the species.If you've really got leopard slugs, aka great grey...
If you're adding manure at this time of year, you need to bear in mind that it won't break down as quickly as spreading it in late autumn, winter...
Hi Fretters"New Horizon" organic and peat free multi-purpose compost is the stuff I use and I've found it to be pretty good. It's obviously a...
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