Hi VPThe quick answer is yes, go for it!If you can give your little plants some protection in the autumn, though, it will improve their...
You're doing all the right things. I have similar clay soil, only mine is studded with a million flints and stones that make it go like concrete...
Yup, beetroot would be good, I sowed some Boltardy only about 10 days ago and they're coming up strongly. I soaked the seed first and it seems to...
I'd suggest a mix of compost and soil. I wouldn't add manure at this stage of the year but some people do put it under their beans so it's an...
Looks like cutworms to me. Which precise type doesn't matter if you have a large infestation because they are very destructive. You need to kill...
The weedkillers that you use on lawns usually have some sort of guidance in the instructions about when to use them. I've just looked on the...
I spread my excess lawn clipping out on a hard surface to let them dry off and then use them as a mulch, like John does. They seem to disappear...
You might have resown a bit too early after using a moss and selective weed killer. Residual traces in the soil could have inhibited growth...
I've never done this nor have I seen anyone else do it.This bloke says "it's almost expected"? I don't think so. Sounds like he's trying to...
FidgetsmumLook carefully at those slime trails - they may be trying to send you a message!
I agree with Neil - it's definitely worth trying to renovate a neglected lawn but it will take some time.Most lawns have at least a bit of...
Hi BarryThere's plenty of time to grow veg this year!I've given up trying to make an early start with planting - it's too uncertain and I...
When it comes to dealing with leather jackets, your best friends are birds - starlings and blackbirds in particular. They dig them out of my lawn...
Pigeons, especially in rural areas, are very wary birds. Could there be something about the position of the cherry tree that makes it...
Radishes can tolerate some partial shade because they're often grown in between bigger plants like lettuce or beans which catch most of the sun....
I used to put lime into my compost heap late in the summer to counteract any build up of acidity but I'm not sure it really did much good. I don't...
I'd agree with Penny, your lawn looks very good indeed.I don't know of any way of getting rid of rye grass other than digging it out by hand....
Welcome to the forum, BluebirdbankI'm not sure what caused the damage to your cherry tree but I would always suspect pigeons first of eating...
Hi JazzythumperIf you planted them about 1cm deep to begin with, they shouldn't need to be replanted. Radishes actually develop at ground...
Don't know for sure but I wouldn't think so. Glossy leaves don't break down in a compost bin as quickly as non-glossy leaves so I don't think the...
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