Fab news Blueroses, I love garlic!My partner went OTT on buying it a few months ago and I've just noticed that they are sprouting in the fridge!...
I just love birds of pray. So graceful. Those photos are just fantastic! Glad you had a great day, I'm very jealous!
Thanks guys, I'll give it a week or two before posting up some pics then.What else is planted? Lets see.. Corn flowers, Cosmos, Holyhocks,...
Sorry sussex, don't think I made that very clear, my bad!I know which those three are, it's the other 17 or so pots that are currently a mystery...
So! Woke up this morning, beautiful sunshine, made a post or two on here, coffee and cig in the garden with the dog and decided sweet peas need to...
Good morning everyone.It's an absolutely beautiful one here just south of Glasgow! Sunshine from horizon to horizon, not a cloud in the sky and...
Absolutely beautiful! What more can I say? :)
Hi Kandy, hope the weather stays dry and the roads aren't going to cause you problems today.I finally got to sleep at 4am last night. No bird...
Lol Bog, not good at all!We have a baby cockatiel, only had her a few weeks and she has taken to the bird songs from outside. So we don't just...
When we went to bed last night we had 2inches of snow settled on the ground. Most has fizzled away this morning, though I hear we are in for more...
Hi all.Steve I got the seeds off to you in a jiffy bag today. Should be with you by Friday latest. Seeds have been put into envelopes if...
I mentioned this in another thread after finally remembering.. Been meaning to ask for ages.What time do the birds in your area start their...
I have pretty much the same herbs going on my windowsill, from seed. The Parsley was the first up amazingly, as I'd read it was a slow starter....
Hi all, not quite morning for me and sorry I've not popped on for a long while!I'm having insomnia problems again (had it since I was a wee...
Will do! Sounds like a giggle, getting out the pencil and drawing up an "I wish" garden hehe
Thanks all, you've been a huge help.The local MP idea is great. I'm in contact with a couple for other reasons at the moment, so I've gone...
Thanks guys. I hope so too Pete.borrowing isn't really an option, given that we don't know anyone in our area. This'll sound like a bit of a...
Hi Pete. Yep. daunting is definitely the word lol.Yep, I can have a good burning session, may even do that this weekend, weather depending,...
Before we start with pics, it's probably important to mention I have no tools (not even a spade) and no lawn mower lol and most frustratingly, I...
Hi jm, don't think we've "met" on the site before but here is what I've been up to!All my efforts so far is on seeding in pots on the...
Separate names with a comma.