Glad you liked it Alice, I suppose there could be some variation in the size of ducklings but generally speaking they're all similar in size &...
Hi just wondering if there are any duck experts around? My mallard Darcey & her daughter recently hatched out six ducklings between them, five of...
Thanks JWK, just wondering about the frequency of feeding, I feed with tomorite weekly. All the plants have four trusses, is this enough or could...
daitheplant, I removed alot of the leaves because of my experience with blight last year, I over watered & the abundance of damp leaves produced...
Thanks for the replies, hopefully the ripening tomato will start the process for the rest of them, my neighbour's red tomatoes just had me worried...
Hi everyone, last year my first attempt at growing tomatoes was ruined by blight which struck before the fruits were large enough to ripen but...
Thanks Axl.
Yet another product of my random sowing, could anyone tell me what it is? [img]
Thanks everyone, I wasn't aware that they would keep producing if I took the seed heads off, shows what a beginner I actually am, but have started...
My cherry tomato plants are still flowering & only have fruit on the bottom trusses, whereas my large plants have finished flowering & have huge...
Hi everyone, a while back I asked about flower spacing as I had thrown all kinds of unused seeds in a rough, unused corner of my garden to try &...
[img] Anyone know what this flower is? It has buds right up to the top which are yet to open.
Thanks for the replies everyone, Alice I have a few in the ground as well do you think they'd be hardy enough to survive an Irish winter? I love...
Hi everyone my aunt gave me a pot of day lilies (I think that's what they are called) and I grew a pot of oriental lilies from bulbs myself and I...
Maybe it's lack of pollination that are rotting a few of my small fruits then, I thought it was close proximity to the ground, previous years I...
That's reassuring JWK, I was hoping the fact that it wasn't spreading was a good sign. That's what my dad keeps saying Pete but I'm a bit...
Not again! Are these leaves on my potatoes blight? Again my greenhouse with tomatoes are in close proximity :( I think some potato harvesting is...
Tomato feed is perfect for peppers, they'll get everything they need from it!
This beautiful poppy had emerged this morning in an area of the garden where I simply scattered random seeds which weren't labelled so I don't...
[img] This beaitiful poppy was out this morning, anyone know what it is? I love it! Also these? Sorry the pic is a little blurred. [img]
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