I bought arm length gloves for cutting brambles etc and was asked in the shop if I was a vet!
I like my ipad for souvenir shots etc, I haven't mastered it sufficiently to do anything other than send the photo on by email or crop it. I...
Thanks everyone, I've done the best I can and will be nursing them although I think that the reason the others produced new shoots may have been...
Always worth a try and don't be too impatient, look after it until this time next year and look for new growth then. Good luck!
Keep it fairly small - a Russian Vine won't need much encouragement! Seriously, you probably do need a fairly large pot as it will want regular...
Not sure what my window cleaners use as I'm usually at work but I'm pretty sure they're Navy trained as I think they're more experienced with...
At last I've discovered an orchid I can keep and not only that, one which has thrown out new shoots. It's a Dendrobium purchased last year with 3...
I think it's important to get the whole root out, there was some in my wall when I moved to this house 35 years ago. It's still there! Short of...
I've tried them in seed trays but not successfully, I think they do need more depth.
No photos, mostly they're in a long row of large pots so that we can keep them under control. Chervil is delicious and not widely grown here, more...
Can you shut yourself away for a little while? Switch off the local radio & TV, ignore Facebook and make sure you're out of the vicinity on...
I don't see why growing them in pipes and high up would be a problem, I do think it's best to reduce your watering though and to make sure there's...
It would be nice to vary the height and also choose plants which are interesting at different times, look for different shades of green, leaf...
Whether it is or isn't, will or won't be a mosque is no excuse for that behaviour. I don't understand it either and I can't think how anyone can...
The soil looks very moist, are you over-watering? Soil which is too moist can provide ideal conditions for botrytis.
It still looks like Valerian (Centranthus) , flowers will be about the end of May/June but could be earlier if the weather stays as good as it's...
Definitely Aqueligia. Will spread but very easy to remove and sometimes throws up interesting hybrids if left to self seed.
I wouldn't think it's the best time as this is just when the tree is putting all its energy into new leaves and flowers. However, they are pretty...
You're putting us all to shame--- slow down! Seriously it's looking good and at this time of year everything will grow so quickly you'll see a...
Was also thinking about grow bags?
Separate names with a comma.