I didn't germinate on the windowsill but on a unit/bookcase to the side of the living room window still bright but not direct light. I have the...
Agree with NigelJThe Surprising Origins of the Word Orange
We still use the old rates system here.No water rates either ..... yet.
I’m a learner too. I read all these seed sowing threads for tips myself.This year I’m kinda swamped with seedlings but whether or not they...
But Look what happens when you keep household cleaning stuff away from your wee baby plants ! :smile:You’re doing ok there.
They are growing well and it won’t be long before they need potting on as new leaves as forming.
Half an hour may be long enough. You don’t want them too wet. :)
You could fill A a tray or something with some water and stand those pots/tray in it for a bit and let the water soak in from below if you’re...
1 Perki - Rock and snow, great composition2. Loofah - Downpipes, even the mundane can be awesome3. Wiseowl - Watery Sky, wonderful colours
@Verdun I wouldn’t mind having you for a neighbour... :smile: I have borders that need filling with lots of lovely things!
I had a survey done on this house before I bought it and was warned not to buy it as there was no access to pipes etc. for maintenance.There IS...
Flippin' manholes .… never in the right place!I'm sure you will come up with something.
Quite a chilly, damp day here.Washed pots, potted on and divided some plants from last year, washed more pots, pricked out some seedlings that...
[ATTACH] To me the sensible option ( to avoid faffing about) would be to get perhaps a 6x8 shed and avoid the manhole altogether and get a second,...
They also have spring shrubs from 24th FebruaryThe Flower Market from Thursday, 21.02. at Lidl UK:spinning:
[ATTACH] I have a very considerate postman.However, I don’t have a greenhouse, found my plants in my house shaped mini growhouse.4 Heleniums!
I do virtually all my banking (and checking) on my mobile. I can do it anywhere this way, I frequently do stuff on the train to and from work.I...
You may like this.[ATTACH]wee 6cm pots I got last year from Poundland on a small window box tray. Perfect for window sills.
[ATTACH]Armandii,As a newish member I don’t know you as well as others do but I can see that you achieved everything above.Best wishes to...
My brother is called Matthew. When we were wee his best friend couldn't pronounce his name so we tried to teach him to call him Matty but he...
Separate names with a comma.