Will do David, hope I can beat the frosts !
I was thinking about digging a trench and makeing a rhizome barrier on my boundary fence for peace of mind due to my neighbour planting bamboos...
I planted a young Kilmarnock Willow last year, how and when is a good time to prune it . I would like to keep the plant as narrow as possible and...
Raid that airing cupboard pull out the long johns,electric blanket and hot water bottles, Winter appears this week. Kiss goodbye to your tender...
Those Bamboos look great David, In early spring im going to dig mine up and replant in large plastic bottomless pots as mentioned(you sure the...
That would be great cheers.
Thanks David, is it possible to cut down the spreading rhizoms to ground level as they appear as they should be next to the clump (as its a clump...
The Bamboo is called Phyllostachys aureosulcata spectabiliis (Golden Grooved)
I planted this bamboo in my border earlier this year,it is clump forming. Is it possible to keep the clump to the size I require ( maybe a metere...
Yes I think its in for the chop whilst its young ,I think I would regret it otherwise. I have already planted a young Rowan and apple tree in a...
The tree was just planted a couple of months ago I have been living here nearly a year now. I never thought much about it because it is only 10'...
Thanks for the replies , the development is being built by a private natnional builder.the land is comunal which is goinig to be adopted by a...
I bought a house in a new development last year, at the top of my garden over the fence there is a patch of communal land. The developers planted...
A few annual plants can cope with partial shade Fuchias , pansy , bussy lizzie , begonias and give a lot of instant colour.
Im having trouble with big rooks raiding my feeders ,there latest trick is to dive bomb them so that the seed drops to the ground. Any suggestions...
Thats out the window then pete thanks. Anyone got any suggestions for a hardier clump forming bamboo with a height somewhere around 12'
I'd like to create a little privacy along my boundary fence and like the look of this bamboo. I have read that it grows to 45' Could I control the...
Im holding out until June up here in bleak North Northumberland
Thanks for all the suggestions you have give me a lot to think about. Dont think I can resist an Acer now that pic is fantastic Whis4y !!
Any suggestions for a tree that grows no taller than 12' for my small garden . Maybe a Magnolia or acer ???
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