My hanging baskets arrived yesterday. missing 2 of the chains, so cant really use 2 of the baskets. Ive contacted Aldi to ask if they can send me...
My old place was Band C, my neighbours on either side with the exact same footprint of house were band B. When I submitted a claim to have mine...
Thanks all for completing the survey so far, everyones response is greatly appreciated.
Hi, My partner is doing a dissertation on psychological wellbeing and nature connectedness and needs to collect some data. Being a gardening forum...
My mum gardened a lot too, just as a hobby, nothing major, but since I had my own little plot when i was a kid I was always interested in it.Now...
I have spent the morning clearing the vines and weeds around the back and side of our greenhouse. It is clear the previous owners of the house...
Mini update, Driveway has been redone, couldnt afford block paving but got a nice fence, gate and resurface with pebbles. Before and after shot...
Finally planted some cherry tomatos in the conservatory, on my heat mat. I did it early last year and had a long juicy harvest until I moved...
Thanks M, but the search shows up 100's most of which dont update very regularly so just old videos from different times of year.
As the title says really, anyone know any good active UK based youtube channels?Primarily growing fruit and veg but flowers are fine too.
Hi All,So ive never had a greenhouse before, but have one now and its going to have sun for pretty much most of the day. I grew cherry toms in...
Yay, I live in MK now, time to go take a look.
I am sooo looking forward to 2018. We moved into our new house at the end of August and have been doing the inside since, so no time to do the...
Hi All,I have my first greenhouse with my house purchase, there are several panes that are broken. I found this website that seems pretty cheap...
thanks for the advice. The building to the left is actually a pretty large garage. The driveway is pretty long so I might get rid of the garage...
Hi All,Just going to create a thread where I want to keep a little blog of my garden project. I just moved home and have a much better garden...
So I am moving house to a nice little village, yay.My garden is pretty big but there is also no waiting list for the local Allotments and 3...
Set up a sprinkler to water that corner of the garden, but dont set it up correctly so that it goes over the fence and "accidentally" goes on...
Hi,So my house is up for sale and I am going to buy with my partner.I planted several raspberries last year and all are coming up nicely this...
Also, don't forget to put your contents of your vacuum bag in the compost bin.
Separate names with a comma.