yes but these are experimental ones that are resistant to all sorts of nasty tomato diseases.
Did anyone ever get any? I signed up for all 4 but only got ones from Thompson & Morgan + they included a £5 off voucher too :)
I tried loo rolls but how did you stop them getting all fury? Mine start developing mold on them and I wonder if this is doing harm to the seedlings?
Courgette kind of creep along the ground as they grow, I grew them last year and took up loads of space, but got fruit daily from 2 plants....
Hi all,For those south of the border like me that want to watch it live then you can through iplayer with a special little trick to change the...
Hey all,So I don't really have the best patio/hard surface to put a proper greenhouse in this year, its a bit uneven and I would rather do it...
I am pretty new to all this too, I did some very safe veg last year, caugettes and raddish and also managed to grow loads of sweet corn. This year...
Just been planting some more seeds in my conservatory. I don't know if the weather will be good enough by the time I need to plant them out but I...
Just saw on this weeks Gardeners World. 4 companies are giving away 1000 packets of tomato seeds each.See link below, looks like its first come...
Was just wondering when this was going to start again :)I have never heard of Beechgrove so will give that a go this year
My dear Nan passed away yesterday so I have spent a couple hours today clearing a nice sunny corner of my garden that I am going to dedicate to...
Our council collects garden waste every 2 weeks through the whole year, just missing 1 week at xmas. An additional bin can be ordered for free,...
Chrome is better for the personal user. I wouldnt use it at work personally because a lot of business websites seem to support IE best.Chrome is...
I have learned that planting 3 courgette plants is far far too much. I could have used the space for something else, but I didn't have the heart...
This year was my first attempt at growing veg. My carrots were terrible, I don't know why they failed but they did. Courgettes were SUPER easy. I...
In all honesty I cant remember what I put in that pot, I should use lables more, the bigger pot has some mint, the little trees are Blue Jacaranda...
Most of mine are doing OK, the ones in the black plastic trays seem to not be doing too well. Don't know why as I am treating them all the same. A...
Found mine through my letter box today. Nice and secure packaging. Yes they are tiny, pretty much the size of that picture above.No idea what to...
Thanks for the info. I didn't realise poppies had so much variety :)
So I have been at my house for 3 summers. This year these 3 plants shooted up. At first I thought they were those big weed things that show up on...
Separate names with a comma.