:snork: :lunapic 130165696578242 5::loll::heehee::phew:
If ghosts exist and I ever become one, I won't change. I will still be the one farting...:sofa:
:lunapic 130165696578242 5: I WISH my house was that big!
Ghost hunts is a stupid term, isnt it? I think often the spirits must get fed up with people "hunting" them. I know I would! "throw this pebble...
quite possibly. I think I am, too. :scratch: just to clarify, by scum I mean junkies, drug dealers, petty criminals, slags, lazy people who...
hmm, this thread reminded me of the Devil's Toybox song by Uninvited Guest, but every time I try to find it on youtube, it freezes.............
:lunapic 130165696578242 5: now that smell I wouldnt mind
you don't live in great yarmouth, so you're not scum :heehee: dont you know old people smell? their houses smell of it. I cant describe it.
drizzle, drizzle, drizzle
yes I did wonder that after I'd posted it. doesn't make any sense what I typed, does it? :oopss: blonde moment. :heehee: I hate buses. I'm...
:oopss: another word to add to the swear filter?
Thanks Zig, I shall remember that law.
well I personally thought that KEEP CLEAR's were supposed to be kept clear by everybody. I wouldn't have pulled out unless the traffic was moving,...
OMG! cool caterpillar
my hubby works on a pig farm and at one time we had a kitchen drawer full of 10ml syringes. it was an easy way of giving the kids calpol. would've...
hubby did joke about sowing some inbetween the tobacco plants next year.
moo poo, mine never got that big! i should've put it outside
:lunapic 130165696578242 5: wot no pics???
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