I shall watch this as I have them in window troughs.
Probably. When my son was at university in Cambridge he said the weather was always damp, cold and miserable.
Oh I see! Hmmm. B. Rex would be a begonia. There's also a hosta called T. Rex
Blimey, my Cambridge strawbs are only just showing signs of colour change.
I have two oleanders. They tend to produce lots of buds, but the flowers only open if we have an exceptionally hot summer.
I havent found any large roots around my aucuba which has been there for at least 26 years.
Mark Bolan and Steve Peregrin-Took who was replaced with Micky Finn.Also known as Tyrannosaurus Rex, but later added more menbers to the band...
It was worth the wait.[img][img][img]
After flowering? Mine flower 12 months a year.
We're off to Spain in September.I could never see the point of cruising anyway. Who wants to spend a couple of hours walking round the dock...
We went on a 2 night mini cruise from Dover to Guernsey in the Channel Islands last week.The main point of the exercise was to find out why...
I get so cross when I hear people in our town calling for a cull. Every year they get the same old record out.We live by the sea, if these...
[img][img]Baby robin enjoying a wash in the pond. [img] [ 04. May 2007, 01:34 PM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]
Hi Ti.
Coincidence that. I killed my first two of 2007 today as well.
Shame that. I've never seen one so perfect though.
Do you remember this plant that became a bit leggy? I gave it a slight trim a year ago and this is how it looks now.Before [img]During...
Why is it that when other people get an interesting sport in their garden they become famous and everyone wants a plant?When I get a sport it...
At last I've found believable proof[img]
I noticed brown patches on the leaves of a hibiscus in the greenhouse, looking at the underside of the leaves I found these ooh nasties.Any idea...
Separate names with a comma.