You either love or hate cats.Today I hate one particular one.[img]
Froggy[img]Resting after their exertions.[img]First flowers on the primulas planted in October.[img]Miniature daffs[img]A part...
Having dug out an area 10 feet by six feet and replaced the top soil with a 50:50 mix of topsoil and grit for a sempervivum bed, I was not happy...
With all the new technology regarding fertility, recently a 65-year-old woman was able to give birth to a baby.When she was discharged from the...
Looking at last year's photos I see that I am behind schedule.The daturas I planted out were already seedlings by this date.Guess what I'll be...
This one had no flowers so cost me �£1.50, and I didn't know what to expect. It had a label which helpfully told me it is a "Mixed two spike"....
Garden News for me. I've even used their advertisment pages to send off for stuff.
Having suffered loss of fence panels over the years I have attached a run of cattle fencing along one side of the fence. That holds it in place,...
I can't stand wearing gloves when doing any job, but I have recently found those disposable rubber gloves really good. Especially when working in...
I have always watched it, but can't take to Monty Don. I don't know what it is, but he just annoys me.
As a result of Thursday's storm I had to remove the shed roof from the garage today and put a tarpaulin over the shed. So I spent the morning...
I don't know if you have trouble with lily beetles where you live, but they love frits.
I have just inherited an anthureum which nobody in the office was able to keep alive.It is just about hanging on, but I'm not sure if it is too...
This evening I arrived home to find my first camelia bloom. This is the earliest this shrub has bloomed by a long way.[img]
I didn't know there were different varieties of rust. Anyway, when weather permits, I'll take them all outside, rip off affected leaves again and...
That was my first thought Pete, but I've never seen it in this form, i.e. in curved rows. My books and Google pics show nothing like it either....
Has anybody an idea as to what this is on the underside of my zonal pelargonium leaves please. I keep ripping off affected leaves but more of...
It's that time of year again, the Phal is in bud, the paph and the cymbidium are in flower and the billbergia is just opening its flowers.The...
Recycling and health & safety are jokes. Nothing more than jobs for the boys.I work for a company which delivers food for a nationwide chain....
My mother grew it for years from seed and never got a flower. She gave me a plant and it flowered all summer. We never found out what I did...
Separate names with a comma.