Thanks found some yellow eggs and it's the white butterfly as i've had quite a few fluttering around them in the last week.
Here is a couple of pictures of my fuchsia's sorry don't know there names, the first one comes up every year as a lovely big bush, my son bought...
Oh nice to see the thread has a lot of mixed replys. I will still keep an open mind, i find it pretty clever how a group of blokes can produce a...
One of my hobbies from April/September is Cropcirle chasing, being as i live in the most active area for cropcircles.....Wiltshire, i get to see...
Thanks for the info, just looked at the link and thats defo how my Busy Lizzies look like now, glad i read through the information says not to...
Oh right yes i didn't think about that, "Rainbow Garden" is a great idea :thumbsup:
That is a wonderful idea, could you call it Rainbow Bridge, because thats where our beloved pets go. :)
I had Busy lizzies in a tub, they came on lovely a month ago the flowers looked lovely, then in the last week they suddenly died off and the...
I will hope mine will do the same IDK, thanks for your info :)
Yes Trunky, she loves the garden, she acts a bit odd though, she loves to see what i've planted and added, but when i'm walking around to tended...
Looks like Mackerel
I thought i would post a photo of my cat poppy for those interested to see her as i've spoken about her on a few threads. She was born on a bank...
My two plants has had plenty of flowers so far but all males, the plants have now had a growth spurt and i can see loads more flower buds ready,...
Hello folks, wandered if anyone can help.... I bought some baby Purple sprouting broccoli plants from the garden centre this spring and planted...
Ditto [img]
Yummyyyyyyyyyy!!, can i have some cream with it?
I like a Lamb Biryani [img]
The ants all seem to come out from different colonies so that they can have a chance to meet and interbreed, they choose a day where the humidity,...
Sad news, she was a very good singer, such a shame :(
If it hopped it was a Frog, Toads can't hop they only walk :thumbsup:
Separate names with a comma.