I used to think poppies were only red, then recently I saw pink one and orange ones and all sorts! Each day I walk past some, the flowers seemed...
The two largest lychees have totally green leaves now, apart from the smaller one has decided to go another funny colour on the tip of some of its...
My Gardener's Delight are inside next to a very large window. One or two trusses ripened but the rest are green. I found they were green for ages...
First of all I understand that rambutans take several years to fruit, and probably won't fruit anyway unless they have lots of space and the...
My trusses have small and larger tomatoes on because they were pollinated at different times. I meant to feed my tomato plants once a fortnight...
It might have been that one didn't like it when I removed the see-through bag the pot had on top of it whilst they were germinating; that would...
Are the tomatoes ripe? Cherry tomatoes are small anyway and if they're still green they will have some more growing to do. Mine start off tiny and...
I finally managed to germinate lychees (all in the same pot). They are still small. The smallest one is doing ok. The second one is taller with...
Thank you very much for the offer but I think I'll leave it. I'm specifically looking for Japanese painted fern spores. I'm not sure of rules...
I think I'm doing things that people wouldn't normally do and it's my first time growing a pumpkin. Mine is in a pot inside; not ideal but I have...
Thanks very much. I'll leave them how they are then.
I have some Sweet Mini Red pepper plants. I think they're supposed to be bushy rather than tall but do I prune them or leave them alone? Where/...
Update: Naming no names, someone accidentally broke off the growing tip so I stuck ithe growing tip's vines in some watery soil to see if it would...
Day 80, I am fighting a losing battle with an invisible enemy :( The bumps shrivel up after appearing, leaving dried leaf in their wake, then...
Please let me know how you get on; I'm growing a pumpkin in a pot too :) All I can say is be careful with the stems; mine look thick but they are...
Well, there I was worried that they were "difficult to germinate" and now they are popping up all over the place! I'd stuck some of the seeds in...
As far as I understand, some plants die after flowering/ fruiting, and others live. I also understand that some plants only give a good amount of...
Boo, aw, I had feared that :(It happened a few days ago now, either Saturday or Sunday. It's still growing but you know the weird thing? Ever...
All my plants are legal, no naughty ones :D The goji is sort of growing upwards in a weak way, although when I looked in the soil yesterday I...
Please help my poor pumpkin plant! It was doing pretty well but got pot-bound, so I went to move it somewhere else. As I did so the soil...
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