Thanks for your reply allotment boy, saved me some awkward 'diggery'.
Is it necessary to provide a hard divider between two different crops sharing the same bed ? The crops will be onions and potatoes.
Thanks for your replies, food for thought. You've given me great encouragement Stephen. I'll give it a go for two years then decide whether to...
Is it feasible to use a 2 year crop rotation for potatoes and onions ? This is a continuation of my previous question. For various reasons I don't...
Has anyone here tried to grow beech trees from seed, if so with any success?
Thanks for your most interesting replies. I've just read that onions and carrots can be grown together so I'm thiking of dividing the bed into two...
Thanks for your reply, it sounds like the reply I was hoping for. It is a raised bed but probably only about 12 inches depth.
I have a 3ft by 8ft bed in which I'd like to grow veg. The only crops I want are potatoes, carrots and onions. Would it be feasible to grow these...
Thanks for that Pete,that's more than I'd hoped for.
Hi all. good to be planning for 2024. How many Sutton dwarf broad bean plants can I grow in a 12'' diameter by 12'' deep container ?
Thanks infradig, that sounds good to me.
How many onions can I grow from sets in a 12'' diameter x 12'' deep container.
Thanks for your replies. I've sown some in cells to see what happens.
Thanks for all your replies. I've taken a chance and sown a couple of dozen seeds in cells. We'll see how they get on. Fingers crossed.
Another tree from seed question. I've collected some Sweet Chestnut seeds but they all float in water, wont they be any good? Thank you.
Do Crab Apple seeds need to be stratified before sowing, if so how ? Thank you.
Pete, John and Nigel, I've taken your advice and sowed a couple of dozen onto damp kitchen roll. I've nothing to lose have I. Any idea of the...
They've had plenty of water. As an experiment I dug down to one at the end of the row. Nothing so I tried further along, same result. Out of the...
I sowed a row of Annabel French beans 19 days ago with no sign of germination. Should I dig them out as I don't want them to rot in the ground
What's the favoured feed for Fuchsias in pots/containers? Thank you.
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