Hi. I actually live in a council house. New neighbour (private house) thinks about putting up a wall, or fence, nothing yet decided. My parents...
Hi. A new neighbour is about to move in at the back of my property. He took the decision to have the 20 conifer-type trees (some about 35 foot...
Hi. What tempts me to "plant" artificial grass and these two artificial topiary trees is the low maintenance thing. However, I do intend to plant...
Hi. I have just about finished de-crudding my front garden, I've taken out all of the crud left there by the house builders. I'm at the stage...
Hi. I'm wanting to lay down council paving type flags over an area 18 feet by 20 feet. Do I need to first lay down sand for the flags to rest on?...
Well, the original fence was a wooden one and it ran pretty much in line with those metal poles. I said I'll put a fence up where the old fence...
Hi. Years ago the neighbours (long gone) planted some kind of conifer at the back of their property, just before the fence on his side. Now, these...
Here is a closer look at the fruit, not all this bad on the tree. I remember the orange berries being bright orange and plump. I think we have...
Here is a picture: The leaves are falling off early and much of the berries are shriveled. [ATTACH]
I suspect Fireblight in Finnish Whitebeam which is in a neighbors garden on private (not Council) land.Does this need reporting to the Council?...
I wonder how easy this weed is to terminate. I dug out an area of my garden that had a lot of rubble in it. I dug down about 8". I've to date...
Hi. I'm curious, what weed do I have here. See picture. Thanks.[ATTACH]
Hi. Does anyone know the shelf life of Weedol weedkiller? Thanks.
So, the scientific community has not yet developed a product to speed up time it takes to germinate certain seeds like Hawthorne?
If I store seeds in a hessian sack, I wonder how long they would survive in a dormant state. Anyone have an idea? Thanks.
I've been confused over what the process is, especially over the timeline, but I think I've got it now....
I wonder if the text in the above should read "Stratify for 16 weeks" rather than "Stratify for 16 months". I found this:...
Hi. So, I think what I can do, is put seeds in a plastic bag as mentioned, and place in cooler. When end of October comes, take out of fridge, put...
Separate names with a comma.