Hi Any idea what this weed is please, it is a right cuss:sad: It is in my border growing between the Campanula Portenschlagiana. It spreads by...
Hi All. I normally have my cannas in pots but in 2020 I planted a few in back border. I decided to do an experiment. I decided rather than dig...
Hi All. I have had the below fuschia for many years but would like to buy a another one. It is true I can take cuttings and from this plant and...
Hi I planted a buzz last year at beginning of season in a suitable container and the soil was as they like which is free draining . Trouble is the...
I tried toilet rolls and was not impressed but unlike NigelJ who lives alone and does not produce enough rolls.My wife & I saved our rolls and was...
We normaly plant Tumbling Tom in a hanging basket and it is positioned so as we walk past we just pinch one like a child pinching sweets. Never...
Hi ricky101. Thank you for your advice and sorry I have not got back to you sooner'. I have chopped strawberries across the tops and this does...
Hi All. This is the second year of my new strawberries and wondering how do you tidy them up ready for the growing season. It does seem from what...
Thanks for your reply Clare G. Yes it did have single yellow flowers. I just looked up Hypercium and as you say there are a lot of varieties. They...
Hi. This popped up in garden next to fence last year and grew to abput 1 foot (30cm). Must admit I was expecting it to die off over winter but...
Thank you for your ID of plants. Sorry late getting back to you but been occupied with step sons MRi & Pet scans.
The 1st one I asked the Chinese man if they were dahlias but he said no but to me it does look just like a dahlia. The second picture we got in...
Thanks to all for your help, plenty for me to look into with hardware & very local forecasts. It seems only like last year but since time flys by...
Hi All. Can any one recommend a wireless weather station they are using? I know you can get very good one from Oregon but so many models and a...
Hi All. I am Going to take some cuttings from fuchsia triphylla koralle. Cannot see much on taking triphylla cuttings on the web so I presume it...
ricky101. I will take on board what you say about immersing root ball in a solution of weevil killer.It makes sense that the grubs will be in the...
Ha My cat was walking over the keyboard as I was about to post but did not realize what he typed until I just read it!!!!! Must be some sort of...
Thanks for all your replies & help.Once all cut down & de-leafed I do give them all a good spray...
Hi All. My normal routine for overwintering fuchsias in my garage is to trim them down about a 1/3 or so just to make them more manageable then to...
Hi All,Melting in the garden today, like a forth bridge with the hose pipe in mist setting for the small plants that are not big enough to go...
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