Hi All. I have 2 types of Campaula one is used for edging and the other one is either in an old chimney pot and is/was/still is in the rockery!! I...
A few years back I was watching a nursery man plant up a hanging basket and for me it was an eye opener. He literately stuffed as many plants into...
Bit late in getting back to you but thanks for your tips & advice. I do have a question about water crystals so will put up a separate post,thanks
Hi Nigel. Since this is my 1st 25th Wedding anniversary I am no expert!!! I think it all depends on the couple what they want,some may want the...
Hi All. Got our 25th wedding anniversary coming up in August and wifey asked what do I want? I suggested a villa in Skiathos or/and a yacht but...
Could not resist buying a pack of 10 plugs of Petunia Calibrachoa "Million Bells from a seller on fleebay who in my experience have only supplied...
Hi All. Went shopping today and Morrisons have got their annuals for sale already. A bit early for me to buy as need lot of room to store them as...
V Peace Man :wub2: Marijuana :yikes:!!! Ha Ha. It does have a slight smell but definitely got hairy stems. I think you have cracked it as herb...
Hi All. We were given 3 pots containing iris last year. We have noticed in the 3 pots identical growth of a mystery plant ,at least to us. They...
Hi. All the roots were showing through bottom of pots. 3 planted up into 1 L pots and the other 2 which came in slightly larger pots also potted...
Thanks for the advice and more ideas for plants. Never even thought of looking at Thyme.Tried looking for Pink Posie but as yet cannot find it for...
Hi Verdun Thanks for your valuable info on plants., I have printed your answer out and got it pinned to notice board. I am trying to get away from...
Hi All. I have ordered a few plants for containers this year. Buddeja Buzz , Hakonechloa macra Aureola RH30000749 Stipa tenuissima RH30001015...
Hi All. I have been trying my hand at growing standard fuchsias this year. I got 5 on the go ranging from 30cm to about 38cm in height. When I...
Hi All. Originally I was going to post in the Fuchsia forum as my question is really about Fuchsia cuttings but realised it could apply to any...
Hi All. Had an idea of hiding part of fence with square wood trellis and to have hanging pots on it like below,Elho Corsica Easy hanger. [ATTACH]...
Thanks for your identification,it does look cute in the container:spinning:
Hi All. I have 2 small pots with the plant below in but no idea what it is called. Does not grow tall,about 2 inches and does not seem to spread...
Hi All. Thanks for your input. Got to admit Mimulus was not what I was thinking off. Interesting they are perennials not annuals so will let them...
Hi All. My wife rescued some plants from what we call the sick bay at Homebase, just needed watering. Planted them up and I asked her what they...
Separate names with a comma.