What a bright, colourful and interesting looking garden Cumb!Very lovely indeed!Kath
Very good point Paul.
Thanks Paul and everyone - it is very reassuring to hear that any fears I had on this score may have been ungrounded :)
That's a lovely clear soaring buzzard Nutty.Smashing! :)
:thmb: Good on you Jack !I wish more people were like you and Woo and cared for our wild friends :)
Oh WOO - thank you for my cup... it's the nicest thing I've ever won !Firstly I'd like to thank my mum, my agent, my partner, my cats........
Always good to read the poem in full again, thanks Jack. :)I have over 50% of my garden put aside as rough and untidy so that any wildlife can...
Oh WOO, I'm so jealous of you having that beautiful animal so close.I would be thrilled to see a fox family in my garden.Lovely photograph :)
This handsome fella was strolling along one of our Devon hedges the other day.I wish they had more road sense though.I guess they have...
Thanks Peri - lovely comments - I'm blushing.It was WOO who did the marvellous sparrows though chuck ! :DI have been so fortunate with the...
Thanks Strongy - I've been having a lucky week.On Thurday I visited Postbridge, on the moor and as I was photographing the old clapper bridge...
1st Strongy's - April Gold.Sublime use of colour and light. The dark backdrop does maximum justice to the subject. A beautiful, unusual flower....
Thanks Capney - it was on full zoom so at first I didn't notice what was in its beak until putting it on the computer. Another happy accident! :)...
Thanks Nutty and Woo :)Yep Woo - it does the heart good to see them. Something pure and beautiful and uncorrupted in a world that is going to...
I just want to apologise to snappers - I honestly didn't notice your title when I called my 3rd picture 'Bleedin' Rain' ! I have changed it to...
PICTURE 3Crying in the Rain ![img]
PICTURE 2Euphoric Euphorb ![img]
Thanks Peri and Kandy xx :luv:Peri - I love horses in all shapes and sizes too. I went to Liverpool Uni Vet School not knowing one end of a GG...
You're very welcome Robert :luv:I look forward to my first foal spotting drive on the moor every year :)
I've not discovered Exmoor yet John - Dartmoor is so close to us that anywhere is within easy reach of a day trip - Exmoor is a bit more of a step...
Separate names with a comma.