You got any pictures Tom? May help for folks to give advice.
Have just done that. ;-) Too dark to take a pic. Thanks for the advice again.
I did. Should I cover it up?
Reseeded lots last night... Didnt realise how much there was to do. Took about two hours.Used a long handed weeding fork to disturb the soil,...
Would you recommend putting the tin foil back out to scare the birds off again? Or reckon it will be ok this time as there is less seed?
Cheers Sheal.... Thankyou. Will perk up over time then. Hoping that soon I can give it a very light trim on the top.But there are patches...
Cheers Joolz, I am glad you have done it that way too. Going to go home and do ours tonight as its still fairly loose and damp from all the rain....
Can I get this thread moved to the General Discussion forum?I plan to be here for a while. :-)...
Advice required.....I recently seeded the lawn, about 8 weeks ago now... Growing very slowly. Been watering it well. Some patches have grown...
Garden lights went in last night. One more light has to go in the right hand border but I need an extension before I can put it in.Grass is...
Cheers Dips.Will See if I can get some from anywhere.. May be too late now. If not will wait until next year.Plenty still to do first. Got...
Cheers DIPS, will be careful. ;-)Do you know if its now the wrong time of year to get Espalier Rootstock? Been looking for some MM102 apple...
OOOoooo, that looks great... Will have a look at the website for anything else and place an order. :-) Cheers for your help!Have ordered a few...
Getting there now, rest of the Victorian Blue Brick laid round the edge of the slabs and the whole side entrance re laid... Fences were also...
That's exactly the type of tree I want :-) Thank you. Any more recommendations welcome!Gardens looking good now grass is coming through......
Does anyone have any suggestions for some very drawf small trees to go down the left hand side. Will be planted in full sun.
Thanks for all the comments. We are getting there slowly. Another full day yesterday re-laying the side alley round the house and painting...
This weekends jobs -- Finish Patio area and add chippings round edge. - Clean all old dirt off sleepers. - Paint remaining fence panels. - Add...
Here's where we are at now... Ground all seeded and grass now coming through. Shed to build and patio to finish off. Just got to paint fences...
Here's a few pics and teasers as to the work in progress along the way... 10 tonnes of clay removed and 30 tonnes of top soil added to level the...
Separate names with a comma.