I nearly lost a puppy I found chomping on some, it came in with some farmyard manure thought it pretty so left it growing, Puppy started salivate...
I always have to cross the road when I get near a Thorntons :)
I decided a few months ago not to accept parcels for neighbours we live on the end of a terrace so the 1st one the Couriers make for ,nearest.......
It never gets any easier how many dogs you have, I feel for you I had 2 Shih Tzu Pups in 2003 brothers inseparable, then last year lost my...
Horse Radish, I purchased a root planted it couple of years ago, it sunk with out trace. this year we had a fence put up, rooted out the old hedge...
Treat your self to : BT, I have a BT Hub 3 I know they are expensive but you get what you pay for (if your lucky) My husband when he lived in...
Olive oil, Its the smell ugh and yes earoles was what it was used for, along with oil of cloves for toothache, Plus Bicarbonate for indigestion....
If you are very lucky, I personally rate them used car dealers.:doggieshmooze:
I have a good supply of candles....and I know where the matches are:snork:
I think you are all very brave..many years ago thought we'd give it a go The lake district was our choice borrowed a large tent, left the...
Who in their right mind would want to live in France? Driven tho it many times in the past, cobbled streets, mucky loos that is if you can find...
The French One. I don't see any one hanging around at Dover to flee to France.:th scifD36:
Shut the port.
I could tell you how I make my (chips) scrub few taters, pop into microwave 7 minutes, slice while still hot salt well, throw into frying pan...
Pet Insurance is a big Con, Having been a breeder for 40 years or more I never met any one who has had value for money, and I have known hundreds...
I am into herbs and spices and ancient cookery books, think that came from an Elizabethan one, I did try it and it was very nice the rose one is good.
It is a French problem, I would not let them get as far as the port, let alone build make shift shelters.
I have dug mine all out, more trouble than they are worth constant battle with caterpillars mainly, and the mould I did how ever have success...
Did you know that you can use the leaves in cooking ? the lemon ones are particularly good,The recipe was for a Victoria sponge you laid the...
Bought one... used it three times it is now in the shed, messy, waste of oil, Back to what you do.... you cannot beat it
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