It does look like a Salix...common name willow. They are notorious for needing a lot of water so will seek out water in drain pipes./sewers etc...
Just Cercidiphyllum japonica. Quote....Cercidiphyllum japonicum, known as the katsura,Cercidiphyllum japonica Rotfuchs is a slow growing grafted...
It is a Violet.
Years ago a featherless, bald, naked baby bird fell from a nest on to a busy pavement ..a friend saved it and gave it to us to hand rear. Once...
1. Collared doves..... Streptopelia decaocto.Streptopelia decaocto) - Recherche Google
Do please look for flowers ..they should be amaxing!Quote link in post above.from Bean.'Goliath'Leaves oval, rounded and often abruptly...
The buds on mystery tree look very Magnolia ish.Ficus benjamina leaves have a long point on that can be ruled out.[ATTACH]
Usually Magnolia grandiflora has a flower or two on it out of season../ or remnants of flowers Not seeing any brown underneath leaves. Think we...
Sorry Lori, but you miss my point earlier. Non of the above Loniceras are climbers. They are all just shrubs.Lonicera fragrantissima is pretty...
Apologies forgot my manners. Welcome to the forums Wannabe
This is Lonicera Standishii...another winter flowering shrub. Starts pink. Such a shame my present garden is too small to grow all these. Pics...
Love Lonicera below. One of Roy Lancasters recommended plants several years ago. Flowers start creamy yellow fading to...
What is your 3rd one...I can only think of Lonicera x purpusii Winter Beauty with white flowers.Lonicera setifera is pink fading...
I never have been able to say which is which ...Lonicera x purpusii V Lonicera Fragrantissima flowers look identical. This is my old garden...
It is Lonicera sp...common name Honeysuckle. Not sure which one. The ones that flower now tend to be shrubs rather than climbers. Climbers either...
Agree. A female shrub....Gaultheria mucronata,... ..previously called Pernettya mucronata. Berries can be white, red, pink or lilac. Need a male...
Recommend you remove asap! [ATTACH] [ATTACH][ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.