Pic trimmed /enlarged. Agree with others, definitely Aubrieta[ATTACH]
Prunus padus...common name bird cherry leaf pics showing the tiny bumps that are glands in first pic.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Sorry, but the leaf shape is completely wrong for Corylus avellana...common name Hazel.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
No idea which one it is. Google lens suggests Olearia ramulosaOlearia microphylla...links for you to compare.PlantNET - FloraOnlineOlearia...
I love all the Beauly area . So beautiful. Lucky you.
Love it or loath it. Centranthus ruber...comes in deep red, pink and white. I happen to love it..see pic 4 with it planted as a border in someones...
RowlandsCastle...please may I suggest you start a new thread for any future id queries.Cannot see leaf detail clearly ..maybe a birch tree or...
Weigela can grow very large...eg the one below! This one may be Weigela rosea...but cannot be sure. No idea which one is in your pics above..open...
The true quince.....Cydonia oblonga Vranja Nenadovic ...such a special tree..lucky you. Completely different from the Japanese quince...above. It...
Did you go to Costa Rica?Just THE most wonderful country for plants, birds, animals and scenery. Fab food, lovely people. Clean.I loved it. I...
Eeeck. For years I have been trying to get to grips with the UK Polygonatum. I used to grow many different sp. POLYGONATUMApparently the id tip...
Sorry not right for Geum urbanum...common name wood avens. 1st pic below is RoddersUK pic....trimmed...which may be Astrantia??? [ATTACH]Rest...
Humble apologies didn't look at RoddersUK's pics. No wonder thread took a weird direction. Sorry for my stupid post above.Must pay closer attention!
Trimmed image. [ATTACH]Leaves look more like carrot OR similar. If you crush a leaf does it have any smell? Not right for Geum urbanum...common...
Looks like Prunus padus...common name bird cherry.
Pics of Hesperis matronalis, ..looks a good match. Hairy stem. Hairy buds.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
In that case they are not Primula vulgaris...common name Primrose but something else. eg Polyanthus./ or P. vulgaris x P. veris = P. x polyantha...
Leaf veins not a match to Hesperis Matrionalis...common name dames rocket. Pic 1.Silene dioica leaves are a better match...Pic 2. Flowers would...
For those who find them confusing. The easy way to check... Nemesia only have one spur on the back.Pics 1 and 2. Diascia have two.Pics 3 and 4....
Separate names with a comma.