A nice find. Looks like Grevillea gracilis alba.Grevillea gracilis 'Alba'grevillea gracilis alba - Recherche Google
Lichens are really hard to id often needing a hand lens accompanied by an expert to id them.
Sophora sp. Maybe Sophora Little Baby?Sophora 'Little Baby' from Burncoose Nurseries
Agree Soleirolia soleirolii - Mind-Your-Own-Business Plant have trimmed pic[ATTACH]
Agree with Pete. Fruits are very distinctive.Quote www.... "Mespilus germanica,...common name Medlar fruits, are inedible when hard and can only...
4. Agree with others Persicaria affinis...can become a little invasive.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Has the look of a weedy willow.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Have lightened/straightened your pic.Is your plastic tie eating into the tree? After 10 years it should not need the stake or...
Juglans regia...common Walnut near M & S in Perth.[ATTACH]
Nicandra physalodes (shoo-fly plant) pics[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
12. Actaea. One such as Actaea simplex Pink Spike.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Eeeck..I hate counting down.5. Potentilla sp ...but need clear pics. What do the leaves look like? 6. Ornithogalum candicans. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
Just the first 3! 1. Need clear close ups, cannot enlarge/zoom in to see any detail. Maybe Hoheria sp. 2. Need clearer pics...cannot enlarge/zoom...
Wow. Far too many in one post Before this gets messy may I suggest you delete all but 3 plants. Post the others a few at a time in new threads.
My pleasure!1. Is probably Veronica spicata. My pics are Ulster blue. Pink one is ...Heidekind.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
1. Veronica. 2. Erigeron.One such as Erigeron glauca Sea Breeze.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
It could be. Not sure of the technical difference between Castanea sativa variegata and Castanea sativa 'Albomarginata'The variegated ones tend...
Agree...definitely Castanea sativa variegata.. common name Variegated sweet chestnut. At the moment it is full of flowers...those long catkins....
Looks like Chenopodium giganteum.Chenopodium giganteum &s;Magentaspreen&s; | tree spinach &s;Magentaspreen&s; Annual Biennial/RHS Gardening
Had one in Welsh garden....Rubus phoenicolasius ..common name Japanese wine berry. It was just a free standing shrub. Did well in semi shade....
Separate names with a comma.