:dbgrtmb: Nice one Ziggy that was my intention but in the poly tunnel but I didnt know if the fresh horse manure would kill the seeds / plants so...
Hi moonraker If I put 3 inches of this 4 month old horse manure in a raised bed in my polytunnel then cover it with 6 inches of soil could I plant...
Ive jost been offered a load of 4 month old horse manure is it safe to dig into my plot now or will it be to fresh if so what can I do with it...
:cool: Hey Ziggy how do you do your tobacco plants I got a packet of seeds last year & never planted them as I didnt have room in my poly tunnel...
Thats a good idea Kernow you get to eat fresh leeks & get pi$$ed at the same time works for me hic hic :lolpoint:
:dbgrtmb: Fantastic post some very useful tips Thank you Moonraker :dbgrtmb:
Hey Jack dont you have a free cycle in your area we have & you'd be supprised at wot people give away or if you need somthing you can put a wanted...
Andrew if I was you I'd just fork it & go to the pub :dbgrtmb:
I went to my allotment yesterday & found it covered in 2inches of top soil I went back again today & found it covered by another 2 inches, The...
Hi Freddy I think Pete grows them cold under cover maybe a polly or glass house then into cold frames to harden off a bit then planted on...
Hi Ziggy wot you think about starting some cabbages brassicas etc Mick
Hi noksucow greatings from Hull
Hi Alan greatings from Hull
Hi Col greatings from Hull
With the very mild weather all my plants that I put in my greenhouse to over-winter are growing like crazy temp during the day is reaching high...
Nice one Vince
Thanks guys. At a local compost place near me Biowise they sell 1 ton bags of compost 10mm for £35.00 they call it soil enhancer if I got some of...
So did I clueless I was told to feed them once a month with a good helping of growmore ?
:help: so where do you get your seed compost from the most economic or the best does it matter ? I have loads of seeds that Im going to start in...
Hi Clueless yes indoors in my poly tunnel in cells of 84 I have 700 Ailsa Craig & 1000 Ramatm Milano seeds to sow. Mick
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