Yes - fair point… I’ve been willing them along so perhaps they are capable of something spectacular! They grew all over the garden and I didn’t...
No - foliage isn’t scented. Well - nothing notable anyway. I checked the other day. But yes - could be some kind of Salvia. There are zillions...
I’ve had a fair few of this plant grow in my garden this year and I’ve no idea what it is.I left a couple to see if they did anything...
Doing a fundamental rework of the whole garden and started off on a no dig patch: laid down cardboard, added a thick layer of seaweed, and now...
Ok - there’s something I don’t know here. Why and how are you netting bulb pots? So the bulbs get eaten otherwise???
That's really useful info: so being in potato farming, beach territory, we have a fair amount of sand in our soil - so it does drain well....
I would love to grow Bougainvillea: I've lived in Africa a fair bit, and I really miss the flowers! I didn't know there were varieties which...
Yes - thankfully we do. I live close to the beach as well, which keeps it mild. We get the occasional light frost most years - but not much more...
I was going up the post, noting down some of those plants - thinking: I have to have those... then I got to the Bougainvillea and thought: hang...
Pineapple Sage: it's absolutely fantastic - covered in beautiful typical salvia style red flowers. Very vigourous, grows from a cutting better...
I cut back a big branch on a dodgy pear tree (dodgy because the pears always get bugs in them and they aren't the best anyway) which had strayed...
Well it's not the place for a religious rant - but I was brought up in a pretty extreme Catholic cult. That leaves one either fairly devout or...
I think that Canada has widespread legal composting funerals available now - which can take a body and turn it into compost in 6 weeks or so....
Perfect! I nicked some Mexican fleabane from a wall in a bus stop. It didn't like it much but stuck it in water for a few days then damp compost...
Very interested to know which chilli types grow to 6 feet... I have had limited success with chillis in the UK (lived in central Africa years ago...
Thank you: yes - I've just had a read. Sounds like either one uses Bordeaux Mixture - which includes a toxic (to humans, livestock, fish and...
Tragically I am surrounded by potato fields which were not rotated this year. That and the weather meant blight hit them early, the green was cut...
Yeah - that looks effective but I lose the view of the wood which I'd prefer to keep: I'd make everything from wood if I the textures...
Yes - exactly! I was thinking that's the right size. I've got some left over from putting a patio in some years back - used them as hard core....
Funny you should mention: I was wondering about using some left over granite chippings to bed them in and surround them…but good point about...
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