Thanks @wiseowl Colouration looks right but your photo shows a more traditional goblet shaped flower where as mine is more 'loose' ;)
[ATTACH]We inherited this rose when we moved in to our house 9 years ago and have also admired its stunning large blooms. Even managed to root...
Thanks Sheal, I suspected there wasn't a lot that could be done :( think I'll cut out the dead growth for them and tie in the new stuff to cover...
Hydrangea 'zorro', couldn't resist because of the blue flowers and black stems and a decent price of £3.50 ;)[ATTACH]
Salvia Amistad, love this one, currently having its second flush of flowers :)[ATTACH]
My mother in law has a 6ft goldcrest conifer, which until a month or so ago was in prestine condition but it has now quickly developed large brown...
Bought this lovely 4ft solid bench off a guy who makes stuff out of reclaimed wood and pallets for just £10, a bit of sanding and some...
The sale has been on at our stores for about 3-4 weeks, very little left now :)
I'll be sitting tight for a while (currently & only recently on 8.1), I know of two people who have tried it and uninstalled it already after it...
I popped into our local tesco today and 14" hanging baskets were further reduced from £2 to £1, clay strawberry planters were £2 from £3.50....
Yahoo :hapfeet: I'm in the final, the final judging takes place next week and then the decision announced in October :), hope this weather...
Here you go guys, a few photos of my display :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]Thanks for the lovely replies too :)
Hi everyone, just in case there's an outside chance anyone has missed me :th scifD36: :biggrin:, apologies for not being very active on here for a...
Something of an update on my own Christmas trees that I saved, the Nordman has a full flush of new growth and the trickier Frasier fir is also...
:dbgrtmb: :biggrin: :spinning: :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
Here's last night's stunning sky with I believe??? Jupiter to the left and the brighter Venus to the right :)[ATTACH]
I have a Panasonic Lumix FZ 200, an outstanding bridge camera, it offers burst shooting at 12fps at full resolution so is ideal for wildlife :)
I have a Leylandii hedge that was planted by the previous owners, they're not the most loved of trees but mine is a necessary evil as its an...
:partytime::autlvs: Happy Birthday :spinning:
I took the liberty of moving my summer planters into the shed, in the garden I got lucky, no damage thankfully :)
Separate names with a comma.