No problem at all Jenny, it should slowly increase over the years (I've found the double isn't as vigorous as the single flowered varieties), it...
I've fleeced my spuds, gunnera, and some other bits that have tender new growth for the last two nights. My bananas are still in my greenhouse,...
Hi Jenny I have one for you :hapydancsmil:, I'll inbox you to remind me of your address :)
I bought the original plant of this a long time ago from a small nursery in Cheshire which stocked several different celandines and it was planted...
Only just seen this thread Zigs, sorry about your recent problems :(Glad you now have somewhere to lay your head, onwards and upwards my friend,...
Given the incredible weather of late I just had to get some photos of various new growth and blossom using the stunning cloudless blue skies as a...
The first update of my wildlife pond for 2015, its looking good and there's lots of life: frogs, tadpoles, daphnia, caddis, water louse, leeches,...
An unusual double flowered Celandine [ATTACH] [ATTACH]Plum Blossom [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Well today I have added this magnificent specimen to my collection, a chamaerops humilis standing 5ft 6ins tall.It's a belated wedding...
Looks like Garrya elliptica :)
I have several rhubarb plants in the ground, its a damp area that doesn't dry out yet a couple of them tried to flower last year, I removed the...
For the last few years carboot sales have provided me with lots of cheap plants, pots, wood, and all manner of things useful in the garden.This...
Myself and my lovely wife would like to announce that we're expecting another baby Bilbo in the autumn, a big surprise maybe but fate has stepped...
I have 2 bushes of the same variety and get a good crop of blueberries, mine are also planted in ericacious compost as mentioned but I also mulch...
Yes I will be repotting it in to a larger and heavier pot, this just the pot it came in :biggrin:
I've been after an Olive tree for a while and as I'm regularly at various shops etc for my business I've seen a few but no really nice specimens...
Can't fault Nick at Other fellow, I've had a few plants off him now and all have been top quality and great prices too ;)
Glad you got yourself an edgeworthia @CharlieBot, stunning shrubs, had mine for 3 years now, keep it in a sheltered sunny to light dappled shade...
Welcome back Al :autlvs:
:snork: I know but I've a fairly big garden and they would be well away from the house or anyone else's too :biggrin:
Separate names with a comma.