last one from bempton, male tree sparrows. sorry its a bit out of focus, I think frost bite had set in by the time I took it!! [img]
thank you all, i've told my better half (its her in the photo) that you all appreciated the photo, she has to suffer my madness when I come up...
thanks again you 2, i'm off to the cotswolds in the morning so the camera is now packed and ready, hopefully i'll be back with more for our list!...
thanks all, great ideas..... I've found a great one too. 1. pick the required amount of rhubarb needed to make at least 2 crumbles. 2. wash...
brave move WOO, I contemplated doing the same a few weeks ago but decided that a plug and play external hard drive looked much easier. guess what,...
my favourite sunset photo is this one, some of you may remember it from the monthly comp earlier in the year, but i'll repost it for thid thread....
animal, with vegetable, on mineral...close up! [img]
blue star [img]
lovely photo's again strongy, I had a morning at Bempton cliffs last week, here are the photo's. The weather was horrendous!! Puffins were in...
I went to Iceland when I was 11 and from what I recall it was an amazing place! I know you don't really appreciate the scenery etc at that age but...
JJ - hope your hubby is doing well, I'm just catching up with the threads i've been involved in after my hols!
yip, leaf curl got mine too!
I can see the pro's and cons of both small and large capacity cards. I generally use a 1gb card, mine are SD, for every day photography but when I...
It was on the news earlier that Monty Don has had a small stroke and has stepped down as main presenter on gardeners world. lets hope he has a...
did you try the push fit plumbing to see if they would be ok to do the repair with?? I haven't drilled rubber i'm afraid so can't help there
done another bit of googling, seems the plane halo is called a glory. this site has some good info and examples...
it is a stunning photo KG, like you i've been doing a bit of googling about them since you posted. Its all very confusing, so many different arc's...
sorry jjordie, had a good rumage through my dads vinyl collection, your missing EP wasn't in there!! will keep my eye out for it though, whilst...
thanks ellenw - sounds good, especially the compote's! with the crumble - the grill went with the oven i'm afraid! we are using a camping stove at...
give the lettuce chance stoney, they may well suprise you!! mine aren't looking that good at the mo. The biggest problem I have with lettuce...
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