Super photos Iam going to learn how to do that j
Istopped smoking after many years .I used patches Its not too hard especialy if you put what you would have spentaway each day and watch it build...
where on earth will you keep them until the weather is suitable,we have two months of iffy weather to come.wish I had a light box your Salvias...
Hi Ming,I find Garden news and Mrs Popple pretty hardy and they have nice sized flowers.
Hi Dave in his garden, I would'nt chance any fuchias outside yet,a little frost and you have lost them Joyce
Happy April everyone,Kandyfloss I had Restless legs cured by Accupuncture,it cured my Brother too.It dose'nt hurt J
Hi Wiley, Sorry about Morgan,I have a Camelea in a pot been in for years J
Rosie you could plant some lawnseed in a few seedtrays then jou can always patch bare bits j
Good Morning Helen, Dreadful day here too,Ihave trouble with AOL as well,I was begining to think my computer is on the blink. joyce
Ive just been reading about Black Elderberry for getting rid of cold virus.Apparently all parts of the Elder are useful,it states thatthe leaves...
I once used jeyes well diluted between carrot rows to deter carrot fly,could taste it in the carrots,Beware J
Hi Bally,Good luck in your new garden,lovely place you live in,I used to cycle there with a club from Jarrow a lot of years ago.Bet it has changed...
Your Grandmas plant is Crassular Argentia if you are very lucky it gets red flowers.j42
I am absolutely fed up with AOL.Some days I cannot start it at all.j42
It will fill up a space till you need more room for other more prectious things then you gon just pull it out
I was still picking armfuls of dahlias in September here in N Lincs.Ileave them till the frost blackens them and apply mulch,some of mine are 20...
Hi Sledge,you can rewet peat based compost with washing up liquid in water,Joyce 42
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