How do you use that neem oil joolz do you dilute it with water or anything, or straight out of the bottle where do you get yours seems expensive...
Could I have jumped the gun a bit after seeing red mites could this just be a case of fungal leave spot.
Apparently the bug killer i use should kill the mite so I'm lost.
Come to think of it the two plants that I bought that had this big red mite on it there is no leaf spots on them so it can't be these doing the...
That's interesting mate so these could be good guys so need to have a looksie again.
I'm going to try neem oil first.These are definetly not spider mite then they are to big pinhead size all my plants are in containers they treat...
This is the damage.
Not the best pic but they are fast little buggers.
Recently bought two new plants didn't realise they were covered in what looks like red little spiders.I notice leaves covered in spots and at...
Looks good I'll look it up.
Im looking for a climbing rose for my archway that's going to be in full sun and exposed, also would like it to be fast growing and yellow flower...
Yes first picture top right corner.
I thought moth, recently been digging up old flower bed dug up at least ten of these.
Anybody know what these are been digging lots of them lately.
Yeah we have badgers didn't realise they eat hogs.
Just curious but can foxes kill and eat hedgehogs I ask because I haven't seen one in years.In my area I see more foxes than cats and dogs...
Thanks dan.
Better pic
Bought these two today Buddliea Buzz
Got three of these growing in my garden would really like to know what they are some sort of Palm tree.
Separate names with a comma.