I usually buy my computers from Staples, ex demo machines. The present one bought in January is an Acer Aspire X3810, Space saver, E5200 Intel...
Why did you plant them in the Autumn? They should be planted in the Spring. What's happened is that they started to grow in the Autumn and now...
If you've any sense you won't use electrical equipment in the wet. It's much safer to use the old fashioned shears.Don't assume that if you...
To get the best taste from tomatoes, don't pick them until you want to eat them. The best flavour leaves them within an hour of picking. That's...
I also strip the leaves but in a different way. As I grow 9 plants each side of an 8ft greenhouse, I cut the leaf at the second double branch...
I live in the country and a few years ago the next door property was up for sale. Bungalow with 2.75 acres, about 2 acres of which were 20ft high...
I don't know of any native trees that are toxic to under growth. The only problem plants have within a wood or forest is whether there is enough...
Clay is normally rich in nutrients and fairly alkaline. Putting compost or composted garden waste into it will help to break down the stickyness....
I make my small pots out of the plastic which the compost comes in. Cut out a suitable sized oblong, roll it round a suitable sized tin and stick...
Blimey, it looks like someone has been processing the photo in Photoshop or The Gimp and put a pink layer over that part of the spade. Come on,...
Report on the Einhell Light RotavatorIt arrived boxed up with the handles, centre column and depth tine (drag tine) separate, needing to be...
Watering with a fine spray or rose only delivers water to the surface which in windy or hot weather dries off into the air. Top watering brings...
Providing heat is expensive to your pocket and the environment.There are other ways to prevent rust, Finnigans Waxoil or dilute gear oil with...
Hi Karen It may be worth reading my article about my metal shed.
I have a savings account with one bank and my current account with another. They are linked and money can only be paid from the savings account to...
I feel out of things, I don't get these problems. They must be like moths, attracted to the Anti-Virus searchlight. I'm completely in the dark.
Think of the size of the plant and the amount of produce, consider the amount of root that it needs to support this high production rate. Need I...
and waste into the air (pollution)It was idiots like this that got creosote banned. It was used ever since it was discovered as a product of...
When the "lead" shoot dies out, take the strongest of the six radials immediately below it, bend it upwards and splint it with a piece of wood...
If you mean v6.04 then that is very out of date, better download the current ISO file (v10.04), burn the ISO to CD, then boot the "live" CD, try...
Separate names with a comma.