Morning all. A blustery, showery and cold-feeling day. Much milder weather is forecast before the week is out :) An unknown herbaceous perennial...
Morning all.Very sorry to hear of the loss of your OH's Sister @steephill . My condolences to you and your OH at this very sad time.Storm...
Morning all, Thank-you for your very kind concern @lizzie27 . The migraines have been with me since I was 21. They have become noticeably worse...
Morning all. Happy Birthday to Wonky Womble! (she is @Dovefromabove 's Daughter) An overcast day with rain last night, but light winds and not...
Afternoon all. Thank-you to @RowlandsCastle & @Tui34 for the beautiful photos (there are few things as elegant as a sailing ship, in my humble...
@lizzie27 I am very sorry to hear the tragic news about the loss of your Brother Richard. My thoughts are with you and your family circle at...
Morning all, First of all - best wishes to both you and your Brother at this terrible time @lizzie27 Very sorry to hear the news about your Sister...
Morning folks. Blue skies, sunshine, light winds. Hung the washing out at 7am. A fine morning. A very beautiful car you have there @redstar...
Afternoon folks. Even more blustery than yesterday, colder and more showery. Safe journey @Jacquiscrap You certainly know how to live well...
Afternoon all. You have certainly had a terrible time @Fat Controller . My very best wishes to you for better health in future. Please take very...
Afternoon all. Thank-you for identifying the self-seeded poppies @Punkdoc :blue thumb: Hope you are sleeping well, and that the plague of rats...
Afternoon folks. A dry day so far, so I have washing out on the line. Below are photos of my Winter aconites & Siberian squill which have both...
Morning folks. I hope you feel better soon @Star gaze Lily Pleased to hear that your back is improving @Busy-Lizzie Hopefully good sleep will...
Morning all :biggrin: Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh! (Happy St.Patrick's Day!)I offer first a little poetry:The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W....
Afternoon folks. I hope you back settles down soon @Busy-Lizzie You have my sympathy, I've been know to have back trouble too. Pace yourself in...
@redstar Sorry to hear that your Brother-in-law drove his car over your crocuses. That was really not a nice thing to do at all. Thank-you...
Hello & good afternoon old friends from GW & soon-to-be new friends from GC (hope you don't mind an ex-GW person joining your thread).Finally...
Thank-you @wiseowl & @Nel_Staffs :)
Hello everyone! :)Yet another ex-gardeners world person here (I've used the same username and avatar pic).I'm very firmly at the...
Separate names with a comma.