Just this last week the leaves on mine have started to sag,I must make time and cut it down for the winter.It's done very well for a two year old...
I lose about 50% to mould even though I keep them relatively dry in the house and don't cover.I overwinter the main plants in the bottom of the...
Plants can't forsee the coming weather any more than Michael Fish could. Fruit appears or doesn't according to the growing conditions during the...
Funny that...I was just going to ask about this when I spotted your post.I have two huge 'bushes' of Montana and just this one lonely flower.I'm...
I pour boiling water on weeds round my drive and paths,but of course there's only so much in a kettle.I've found it will kill dandelions...and a...
I never leave boiling water left over in the kettle...it always goes over the nearest weeds.What I want to know is...do any of these new fangled...
I just bought a load of John Innes 1 and 2 from a local 'cheapo' shop at 99p each for 20 litre bags.
I use a lot of Oxalis in my garden...the tiny yellow flowers last for months and it spreads quickly overhanging the baskets and planters in...
I've got a three year old plant coming along nicely in boggy ground.But this year the older leaves have developed brown patches,gradually covering...
I have a contorted willow in my garden that looked lush with new growth up until last month when some of the leaves started to turn black and...
How often do you need a pickaxe? I had a need to run a ten foot ditch through a concrete drive.So off to the car boot and got one for a...
EEC,Quangos,Domes,Olympics,Wars,Foreign Aid,Human Rights Lawyers,Top Civil Service Pensions,Moats and Duckhouses,Politicians Funerals.
Waiting to pay in the filling station the other day and noticed the price of a 'gallon' of engine oil....Jeeeeesus! It's been a long time since I...
I had to move mine...you could have fried eggs in there no matter what I did.Unfortunately the smaller ones are murder to ventilate properly.
Where are those 'bob a job' lads nowadays?...A whole fence would have been worth at least an extra sixpence.:)
Anybody thinking of purchasing any of these for growbags or general use...On the net they can be anything up to £8.99+ If you have a £ Stretcher...
If that's a forecast from the 'Express' I don't take much notice,their headlines are all doom and gloom.Last year they said we were in for a...
Lucky you...I'd have chickens too but the cost of securing the garden would be too much.
This year it would be a miracle if no slugs were knocking about.Don't know about you there are thousands round here.
Separate names with a comma.