Did you know that the blackbirds chatter alarm is for ground predators?...When they make a long drawn out 'Weeeeeeeee!' it's a bird of prey or a crow.
I just picked this up from a growers site...Once you try this tough cascading petunia you will certainly want to grow more of them. Propagate...
I'm near you...and the neighbours have learned some new cuss words this last few weeks with the damned wind.Rain for hours today...and one...
Not me....bores me to tears...especially the 'experts' rattling on about it before and after.
This is a collared dove...but I'm not into the birds of Portugal so couldn't be sure of what you've got.[IMG]
It's a dove or pigeon squab...it is unlikely to beg and will have to be fed artificially. Sit it on your lap and hold the head between your thumb...
Gimme a few acres of land that I can call a tip with planning permission and I bet I can make a damn good living out of the stuff people dump....
I've got around 30 cuttings of lavender from just one bunch I cadged off a neighbour...they root so easily.
This was mentioned on a DIY forum I post on a couple of weeks back...not one single post had a good word for them.Tradesmen in particular said...
As I said the Angling clubs don't like this behaviour either,but there are always idiots.At a small lake in Nottingham they have built small...
Glad to hear you use that method to scare 'em off..I know one or two so called fishermen that aren't averse to using their bait catapults..:mad: I...
I've got three healthy silver birch trees about three years old that have got to come out...about 6 foot high.What do you reckon the chances of...
Next pic. [IMG]"Well constable...can you positively identify Chris Huhne MP as the driver in the speeding vehicle?"
Some years ago on Clumber Park at just after dawn...I heard the thud of a mute swans wings and saw this cob thrashing across his lake to the other...
I'd love to pull in a pub car wash and ask the little Romanian illegal 'How much to valet the inside?'.....And see his face when I accept the...
Always carry paint in the boot in case of accidents...[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG]
I'm not far from you and the wind has dropped...but I've floored all my hanging baskets just in case.It was strong enough to tip over a shrub in a...
Amber alert now for tomorrow...With trees in full leaf making things worse.Branches and trees are expected to be damaged in the North.Watch those...
A conversation this morning reminded me of Eamon.He was a lad that worked with me years ago...very willing but thick as the proverbial.....
Separate names with a comma.