My money is on either slugs or snails Mike. You'd be surprised where the little blighters can get. I've found them in hanging baskets so 3 feet...
They look like leonbergers.
I used a growbag last year but found it really hard to water, so this year I've bought some of the tomato pots the ones without a bottom which you...
Thanks for the info Mrs Doogle :thmb: Will pass on the info.
aftrenoon all Beautiful day here. very warm , beautiful blue skies and the odd cotton wool cloud. Hope all with rain soon get some sunshine
wow, thats lovely. My mum has one of these.It is about 6 years old and she has never had any flowers on hers.She'll be soooo jealous when I show...
maybe sweetpeas but there are no gardening programmes on at all today.
I've just flicked the telly over to sky 248 and it is now a channel called 'really' !!!! :skp: I've looked on the channel guide and UKTV Gardens...
Very dull and not particularly warm today. Heavy showers forecast for later :(
Only just noticed this thread, but if you can get into Plymouth cookie monster, Wilkinsons do tubs of mealworms for £2.50. Cheapest I've seen by...
Hope you have better luck than me samuelcat
a garden of
I'm happy with the rules
Separate names with a comma.