evening LOL
z i give up did the one from magic roundabout have a band?
how utterly right theepain
we use to toast bread on our fire at school,bought from the local bakery,that mixed with the aroma from the girls knickers made for an interesting...
hold on lets swingjivewhat the heck whos counting J :D :D
so now only girlswish
called on key entrylock
evening all it is i,just surfaced wish i hadnt the weather down here is so to much,might just hibenate till march,but i do wish you all a jolly...
Lol your heart so you are
could only hapen to you my babe
dend ,you have always been my favorite but been,tto shy to say so im totally in love with you im sorry to have to say that i that i cant say to...
silly sod :D :D Roders
i know
shaken stevansis that ok
ok can we resume normal service :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
its a bottom of a seat
ive looked at simalar sites and to me its like walking into a graveyard,not like GC were there is always something happening,little wonder we have...
is that a leading question LOL ? or are you toying with my emotions :D :D [img]
i know and you know i am love you nite xxx
nice one of Gogs thank you HB
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