Thanks Dave W,.Unfortunately, I only like red cabbage pickled - I'm not a lover of it cooked as a vegetable!
I live in Sussex and Iâ??d like to grow cabbages next year so that I have one cabbage ready to be eaten every weekend during the year. Which would...
Thanks Geoff and all of you who replied.That's good news about the poppy seeds! On my allotment, there is a Vietnamese lady who grows these...
I get confused over the use of lime and fertilisers for brassicas - can anyone enlighten me, please?My problem is, I will be getting a load of...
Thanks both!Having asked the question (because I couldn't find an answer on the Internet) I, again, did an Internet search but this time (when...
I have poppies growing in my garden every year and wondered whether I can use the seeds in cooking. I never sowed them, so I have no idea what the...
I must admit, that's what we have done in previous years but that was with green kale - the difference in colour was, obviously, much more...
My red Kale has been badly hit by whitefly this year. While I can shake and wash the whitefly off the leaves, I'm left with the underside a...
Thanks Kristen and Manteur,I've, also, read that sweetcorn doesn't like being transplanted but I've always transplanted mine without any...
What do others think are the best sweetcorn seeds? I live in the South of England, and normally, I grow my own plants from seed but, for many...
Thanks all,I had a thought and remembered where I had seen the article - it wasn't in a book. it was on 'GardenAction', on the web. They say,...
My vegetable garedening book says that by mid-August I should stop feeding my tomatoes with high potassium foods and switch to high nitrogen. I'm...
Thanks both Kristen and Hec,I'll watch it in future!
Thanks Kristen,In retropspect, I think what might have happened is that I didn't visit the website to view the first message but just read it,...
Thanks for all the replies. I’m sorry I haven’t answered before but, when I posed the question, I ticked the box asking to be alerted if an answer...
Like many people, I have bindweed on my allotment but I was told the other day that soaking the weed in water for s few days, kills it so that it...
I have great trouble logging on. I eneter my details and am told that I am logged on and, if the browser doesnt take me back (or wherever!), to...
Thanks Hel,It was always a worry as to how I could rotate my crops because I tend to grow large quantities of these on my allotment....
Thanks everyone! I've now worked put a reasonable rotation plan for my allotment that I can follow each year. It means that I don't have to worry...
Luckily, John, I can speak Verbatim! I don't understand it but I can speak it!It reminded me of all those foreign instructions that don't make...
Separate names with a comma.