Viburnum tinus is a good one - evergreen and has little white flowers from late winter into spring. Kerria japonica pleniflora has very pretty...
That's lovely Jenny. Salvias are on my wishlist for next year. :)
Really hope Gypsy will be OK - thinking of you both. Hope all goes OK at the vet's tomorrow.
Thanks both. :) Pete - yes, I'm not sure how the Ceonothus will react to being cut right back, it's the evergreen variety and I read beforehand...
Thanks Shiney. Betula Jacquemontii is gorgeous!
Can I safely give a large lavatera a little trim now? I know pruning time is spring, but the one I have in my front garden is looking a bit...
:) Is it OK to prune silver birch? I thought they didn't like to be pruned - I'm asking because if you can I would be very tempted to replace the...
They are just lovely - the birds and the photos :) Couldn't do that in my garden because my girl and the neighbours' cats would launch an all...
Oooh! Thank you. :dbgrtmb: Saw two I wanted in as many seconds!
Oh wow, those are stunning. I've had three Pentax cameras in my time, the third one being my first digital. I really loved them (still got two...
Thanks. :) I was just going to say how lovely and clear yours are. Not sure if it's my handling of the camera or the wind blowing the flowers...
And a Red Admiral from a few days ago. [ATTACH]
Great spider photo (and this from an arachnophobe!). Do love those bird pictures. Saw this Comma butterfly yesterday on the buddleia - never...
Oooh, that's a bit special isn't it? I really like that. I'm going to need a bigger garden. ;)
It's lovely there, and I could have easily blown £100 in the plant centre but managed to limit myself to just over £30. Bought a Crocosmia...
Only about ten times. :biggrin: Depending which site you look at it's either going to be cloudy until about 8 pm or it's going to be raining...
Lovely image! :biggrin: :) Cats are very good at ignoring things when they want to, aren't they? And that gives me hope that maybe I could have a...
Sorry for the delay replying (and for being off topic)! Don't get me wrong, we didn't let the white cat just catch frogs, she'd just suddenly...
5th August 2012
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