29th July 2012 - just wish I'd noticed the brush stuck on the fence before taking these photos...
29th July 2012
Musk mallow, or malva moschata alba if you want to get posh about it.
Fuchsia Flashlight
22nd July 2012
30 June 2012
30th June 2012 - one of the days in June when the sun actually shone. Neighbour's cat making a cameo appearance in this shot.
Peonies and toadflax
Peonies in the right border
28th May 2012
22nd May 2012
Jordan has been replaced with a pale (and interesting?) colour.
...and on the day of pruning.
The maple tree a few day before pruning...
And a rare view of the right hand side of the patio!
July 2011
Some plants added!
New fence finished and stained. A bit orange and loud, I've called it Jordan.
Separate names with a comma.