I started a thread somewhere re a web type cam for spying on wildlife. mainly for our bird feeder table. I have just purchased this little baby....
What a treat... I had a wing wave from the Avro Vulcan as It passed low over our house today.. Fantastic.. Thanks guys. robert
Last year my carrots in the ground were got at by the evil fly. This year I decided to lift a few above the flight path of the little monsters and...
Ok .. So its been a rubbish season for some crops and not so bad for others. This is how I saw my garden early this morning.THE GOOD Is how our...
Check this out. you know you want to. You will be singing it all day long and it could zoom up the charts.... Came to me via my son in Bangkok...
I have noticed I have just passed my 5000th post... Do I collect a gold star? :okies:
Because of the risk of blight in our area I decided to pull the potatoes in my sacks and bin today.Not a bad return and I think slightly better...
Just recieved this email today. They must think I have just arrived on the banana boat! He says I`m to keep it top secret !!Attention:How are...
Just recieved a near miss for my area (York) from the blight watch. Be one your guard guys.
Look who I found in the little bedroom! Through the back door, into the conservatory, through the french doors and into the bedroom. I gave him a...
Emptied one of my small potato grow bags this morning. Not a bad harvest and slightly better then last years from the same sized bag. [img][img]...
Despite the poor crops so far this year I have to report the Herbs are doing great. This is really the first year I have grown any real amount. I...
Always willing to try something different and running out of space I decided to stick a pot on the wall and plant some carrots. Should also help...
Spikey was up early today. must have been those noisy RAF jets ![img]
Hopefully by the end of the week A Panasonic DMC-FZ38 after long and careful consideration Its the one I decided to go for. Watch this space for a...
I have just picked my first runners on the season...yummy
I have recieved the first blight alert of the season Area: YO32 Warning: Full Smith Period I have done the business with the sprayer and am...
On my visits to York I like to set myself a photographic challenge. Today I noticed some stunning hanging baskets. Within about a 30 minute...
I really cant believe it, but I have managed to produce a website ! Its all about me and my interests with a wish that it might encorage other...
This has appeared over the last few days in a friends garden I have no idea what it is?? I`m guessing its something that we do not want in our...
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