It's actually an old native american practise, usually also involving squash, to form the "Three Sisters". There's quite a bit about it on the...
that's interesting; I've been watering my seedlings with water from my rain butt - is that generallly, something to be avoided then?
Lollipop is spot-on. Descending on a new garden and throwing (effectively) infinite resources at it is very far removed from the vast majority of...
I seem to accumulate veg books like I do cookery books but the back-stop never-be-without is the "RHS encyclopedia of gardening" (links below). I...
I've had some problems, I think with pollination (unfilled cobs) even growing outside so was going to try hand-pollination this year. Has anyone...
If only all obscene appendages were as productive.... ;-)
Hi, yeah, I remember looking at it at the time as it was rather interesting. Apparently it's an ancient practise called "Three Sisters". Google...
most of my "musselborough" seedlings have done the same thing. I assumed it was a "main" shoot with a side leafy bit so haven't been too worried...
Hey, I also use netting - horizontaly just a few inches off the floor - over areas where they are being a pain. In smaller areas where that is...
Good question!My neighbour's "eater" tree was badly battered by the winds we had earlier in the year, which apparently stripped nearly all the...
OK. Thanks for that. I'll definitely give it another go next season - fresh sweetcorn is utterly fantastic so it's worth persisting. I'll pick a...
Hmm. I planted in a corner, as the book says keep out of the wind. SE facing, but I had french beans maybe 3ft away so that would block some light...
Possibly the worst sweetcorn ever ?[img]Does anyone know; is this just poor pollination? None of the others seem to have suffered. It...
recipe please... ;-)
Blimey - already fermented out to 1005 (from about 1050 ), so should be a good'n! Just tried a splash and it's *really* dry (and as murky as...
I was squishing with abandon - they're kinda like tubes of green toothpaste - but I'm a bit more selective now. Obviously cabbage whites can go,...
That's what I'm hoping. I was advised that cookers are nearer proper cider apples but I think having a mix is probably the best chance of getting...
Hertfordshire's smallest cider circle (i.e. me).Not too much actual gardening; apples were scrounged and scrumped from friends and neighbours,...
Helped? I think they're going to need scuba gear! But I've got a seriously promising crop coming on - maybe 20 fruits on 4 plants. Slugs are...
It's an excellent question. I've used some stuff from Homebase. ****py plastic, about 1/4 inch square which seems to stop most of the b'files,...
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