Touch and go as to whether my odd looking Striped German will ripen sufficiently to find out what they taste like. Everything else is by now a...
Yes that is true. Jpeg is lossy compression which discards a certain amount of info every time it is re-saved. Along with the actual editing...
I shoot exclusively in raw because after more than half a century of taking pictures - I still get exposure right on way less than half of the...
I have found that Trevor White - Old Fashioned Roses - are very reliable.
E.M Forester in 'Aspect of the Novel - based on a series of lecture given at Cambridge-- maintains that it is essential that having got to the...
Looking at the celebrity nonsense that we now live in, I have always thought that keeping one's head below the parapet is a pretty reliable course...
My general impression of this year is that whatever did well for you this year should be given pride of place in future years. This is based on...
As was pointed out by Scrungee in an earlier post in this thread, Sungold Select II are reputed to be a little unstable. This is certainly true...
When cycling it is probably a good idea to protect your head in a world where everyone is in such a frightful hurry. Might be quicker adopted by...
In no particular order - but the rose that has performed best for me with the minimum of grief has been Felicia..... Souvenir de la Malmaison...
As of last month - I am in my seventies. My abiding memory of my teens was the freedom of running wild in the Irish countyside with a couple of...
I tried grafted Elegance with ungrafted ones and predictably the grafted plants were a lot more vigorous. The taste from either is the same but...
Sam at 4 months.. [IMG] This walking on the beach lark is a bit boring.... What I'd really like is to slosh around at full speed and then...
Whatever you have been doing this year - in probably the most challenging year ever - keep doing it.
I agree about the lack of sunshine. Those of mine that have ripened so far seem a bit tasteless. Even the usually reliable Gardener's Delight...
Here is a young unknown performer called Dan who had a video on uTube a few years back. Given the mega sucess of performers like Michael Buble,...
Acquiring puppies seems to be in the air. Sam, 3 month old Springer moved in a couple of weeks back. Seems to have adjusted quite well to the...
What a nice doggie, Robajobs. Looks like a Wheaten Terrier to me. Kevin
The great achievement of politically correct nitwits is that they are steadily stifling the art of conversation. Legions of subjects are no longer...
My leanto is pretty crowded now and has a reasonable number of tomatoes. Like you, I must have only picked 4 or 5 ripe ones so far. Kevin [img]
Separate names with a comma.