Yes, I have also read about the stability issues with OP Sungold. Select II seems to get generally good reviews - despite throwing out the...
I'm growing Sungold F1 this year and out of curiosity I am trying Rheinhard Kraft's Sungold Select II which is an OP version of Sungold. It...
I am inclined to agree with Dave's comments above regarding getting to know what you already have. I had a quick look at some sample images...
Just about anything you ever wanted to know about bonsai you can learn from Walter Pall. His articles on types of media, feeding and watering etc...
Mine is located at the 'tidy' end of my shed. [img]
Acers are a lot tougher than they look. I have this one for almost 15 years.I pruned the roots and changed the soil on October 25th 2011...
Been away for a couple of days.......... Yes I have occasionally seen those perlite at 80 pence per liter prices and there are several words that...
I quite agree with your choice of Gertrude Jekyll. It has won numerous polls regarding fragrance. However, when it comes to strong fragrance...
Increasing the overall particle size with one third perlite seems to be a big help in that regard. Peat on its own is near impossible to re-wet if...
For containers I just buy plain peat to which I add one third volume of perlite plus 4 gms per litre Dolomitic lime and 2 gms per litre slow...
Lately added Brandywine (Sudduth) and Sungold F1 to my list for this year.
Any problems with Thunderbird are nearly always due to a corrupt profile. I usually rename the existing profile and restart Thunderbird so that it...
I saw a solar farm once, when I stopped to take a picture of a view. When I looked over the hedge - there it was. By contrast, I can always see a...
I really do hope that something like solar panels on the roof is the future. Anything is preferable to those hideous contraptions striding across...
Why not consider gardening in containers. If you look up container gardening, courtyard gardening, gardening in a small space etc, you should...
That is much the same as you would do with Surfinias. You can either take cuttings in the late Summer or Autumn or even overwinter the adult plant...
The big advantage of Surfinia petunias is that they don't require as much-dead heading to keep them flowering. The usual method of propagating...
My first batch (sown 7th Feb) are now out in the greenhouse during the day and back inside at night.[img]
Mine is just starting to flower and has been in a pot for the past 3 years. Seems happy enough without any special care - but I will probably trim...
You are quite correct about the importance of genes when it comes to disease resistance. Some roses will require regular spraying no matter how...
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