Thanks. I've been using J.Arthur Bower's Rose Food. I've used it on all the Roses and it's only these 2 (so far...) that are showing this...
I haven't got any well rotted manure ... When I planted it though, I put in the hole Rose food to start it off then again mulched with same stuff....
I've got a few Patio Roses in tubs in the back garden. Two of them have started changing colour (the leaves) towards the bottom of the plants. I...
'Ello wilroda, yep - I've got just the place. I have Hostas, Ferns and other shade-lovers in a spot just outside my backdoor. These will add a...
THAT'LL teach me.... just re-read the instructions. 'Dig a hole 18" deep and dig in organic matter. Plant so that tops are JUST under the...
Hi All,I bought some Astilbes and Agapanthus in 'dormant' state today. I've been soaking them a couple of hours as per instructions, question...
My secret:: New Camera!!!!!!Springy
[img] Early Morning Alchemilla Mollis[img] Magnificent Montana (Clematis)Hope you like 'em!!
Will do as you say..Springy xx
Please, can someone tell me how to add images to the competition?ThanksSpringy x
just a Devil...But thanks....
for your help with this one. I think I will lop off, it's sort of growing out at an odd angle, and as the idea is to train it up the Pergola, it...
Morning wiseold and all, Managed to upload image to an image hoster. Here is the Ena Harkness:: I...
Sorry.... got to work out HOW to attach images!!
Morning All,I bought this Ena Harkness climber as a bare root in March/April. Soaked as per instructions then planted at base of Pergola. I'm...
thank you. It's well planted up now, so I can't really add lots of stuff. I have however, read elsewhere that to just keep breaking the top...
Hi All, I've taken it on myself to deal with the garden. I'm fed up seeing neat bedding no taller than 6". So then. This is clay soil, apparently...
Thanks a lot Pete! Looks like either 8a or 8b then. I'll remember that,Springy x
Evening Everyone, I've read elsewhere on this forum mention of USDA zones and that the UK has more than 1 zone. Please can someone tell me what...
Separate names with a comma.